The hormone decline in men begins at a much earlier age and tends to be slower and more insidious. Due to this gradual transition, many men may not be aware that their hormone levels are diminishing. The following symptoms are the most commonly reported by many men, some as young as their mid-twenties;
- Tiredness
- Lack of energy
- Lack of motivation
- Lack of sex drive
- Erectile dysfunction
- Memory loss
- Depression
- Irritability
- Sleep apnoea
- Difficulty losing weight
- Reduction or loss of muscle mass
- Reduction or loss of bone density
Through a thorough consultation including a patient history, physical examination and blood testing, the degree of hormone deficiency can be determined. Hormone therapies can be given in creams, dissolvable lozenges or injections.
There have been many studies indicating that low levels of reproductive and anabolic hormones in the body with a rise in catabolic hormones promotes inflammation and degeneration of all tissues including bone, muscle, cardiovascular and nerve. It has become more widely accepted to investigate and screen men for a decline in hormone levels and to intervene at a younger age to prevent or reduce future risk of developing obesity, diabetes, sleep apnoea, heart disease, cancer and dementia.
Hormone replacement therapy has now become more popular with a trend toward the natural or bio-identical hormone therapy options. The ability to finely tune and tailor the hormone replacement is much more appealing than the synthetic hormones. As with any form of hormone replacement therapy be it natural or synthetic, it is important to ensure that you are having regular blood tests, blood pressure measurements and routine imaging for end effects of hormones on tissues such as liver, prostate and bone.
Call 02 8880 7936 today to discuss how our male hormone replacement therapies can assist you.