Our diet is what we eat and is a crucial part of our health. Although our bodies are somewhat forgiving in times, over a long period of exposing our bodies to foods which are toxic, unhealthy or that cause us ill health will take their toll on organ function and increase the risk of disease.

There are an abundance of diets and dietary information that are often confusing and perplexing. Equally there are a number of specialised practitioners ranging from dietitians, nutritionists, herbalists and naturopaths who are always eager and willing to disseminate dietary information.

From a medical point of view the importance of diet is controlling the calorie intake to keep your weight within the ideal range, insuring you are getting nutrients from all five food groups and avoiding foods that may be poor for your body that you may not even be aware of; for example patients who are predisposed to coeliac disease or may carry one of the coeliac genes should avoid wheat proteins.

Call 02 8880 7936 today to book an appointment to learn what diet would work for your situation.