Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is a therapy utilizing hormones that are molecular and biologically identical to human hormones and are derived from the plant kingdom. These natural alternatives to traditional synthetic hormone replacement therapies have been available for decades and recently have had increased interest from consumers.

These hormone preparations are available in dissolving lozenges, creams and injections. The dosage recommended is based on the patient’s age, their symptoms and a thorough analysis of their hormone status. All risks and benefits are explored with the patient and dosages of the hormone required are then tailored to suit them. The bio-identical nature of these hormones enables doctors to monitor blood levels very accurately and make necessary adjustments in dosages as required.

Hormone therapies include but are not limited to male reproductive hormones, female reproductive hormones, adrenal hormones and thyroid hormones. The one size fits all or off the rack style traditional hormone therapies are becoming less appealing because of the synthetic nature, the origin including animal sources and the molecular differences to human hormones.

Call 02 8880 7936 today to learn more about our bio-identical hormone replacement therapy and how they can assist you.