The newest generation of body sculpting comes from the use of ultrasound waves through the skin and causing the fat cells under the skin to be blasted away gently and without any pain or downtime. Maximus is the body sculpting ultrasonic device that we utilise on premises to achieve this. Treatments are usually a week apart and bundled into either six or 10 groups of treatments depending on the body area treated and the desired outcome.

In addition to regular meetings and the frequency of vibration treatment that blasts fat cells under your skin, it is the same treatment through the use of private micro technology and also causes muscle contraction and muscle firmness to develop underneath the muscle at the fat being treated as well as heating collagen fibres in the surface of the skin to help the skin contract.
This desired outcome of body contouring sculpting is achieved through muscle firmness and contraction, skin firming and contracting and thirdly the fat layer underneath the skin reducing in volume and contracting. Massaging techniques of the handpiece also enables the lymph vessels beneath and within the fat to take away all the dissolve fat cells and the fat content in them.
- 1 treatment $99
- 6 treatments $499
Call 02 8880 7936 today to book your body sculpting appointment at our clinic in Sydney.